Tuesday 30 July 2013

Command line shortcut for lengthy SSH commands

We love tips that make your computing life easier, and this command line tip from Cedrik Morgan falls into that category:
“If you have a server that you commonly access a nice way to avoid typing a lengthy command like ‘ssh -l admin’ over and over again is to create an alias in your .profile, here’s how to set it up:
From the command line use a text editor, I’ll suggest nano because it’s easy to use, type:
nano .profile
and add the following line to your .profile:
alias servername="ssh -l username -p port"
now instead of typing out the ful ‘ssh serverIP blah blah’ command, you can just type servername, much easier! “

Thanks Cedrik! We’ve covered the alias command a bit in the past with the article titledLaunching GUI Applications from the Terminal, check it out for more info.


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